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Prokey Arger

It could be said, we live in a time of uncertainty, but one thing we cherish is our traditional Christmas. It is the blessing of eternal life!

Let’s take the time to embrace the simple things in life such as, faith, love, family, friends and our health.

Christmas celebrations at Evergreen Fountains are a special time for our managers and staff, whom work tirelessly bringing us the happiness of Christmas blessings with peace and joy to all.

We look forward to being busy decorating our home beautifully, creating fun activities, outings, concerts, music and spreading the spirit of Christmas.

Many Americans are especially grateful for the changes forthcoming next year, where the sanctity of life and the value of our veterans will now be valued as God intended.

Our big lobby live tree is up and again beautifully decorated, celebrating our blessings. Thank you Lisa for your hard work. It’s our way of saying thank you to all and Merry Christmas.

Here are some favorite saying of Christmas:

Christmas is a season for kindling the fire of hospitality and flame of charity in the heart. Washington Irving

Christmas waves a magic wand over the world and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Christ always has a Christmas tree on this day, for the little children who have no tree of their own. Feodor Dostoevsky

See you in the gym, let’s catch a work out together maybe some weights and speed bag work out.

Merry Christmas and God Bless You!

Live Well,

Prokey Arger- Executve Director/ Owner

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